Once there were two very young ladies who were both twins. Their names were Jacy and Elly. Jacy and Elly loved to jump rope. They were in a jump rope competition and they were on stage competing between the fire team. All of them on the fire team were really mean girly girls. Jacys and Ellys teams name was called Hot Chilly Steppers and they had a team mate name Jocelin. So when it was Jocelin's tern to jump rope she was doing so well. The team captain of the Fire team was so jealous and tripped Jocelin. The Hot Chilly Steppers were not going to win first place anymore because of the evil Fire team. So they took second place. After that the Fire team said Nice Try Losers! The next day they had quit jump rope and joined piano lessons. They had never had any piano lessons before so its really new for them. On their first day of their piano lessons they had learned some new piano songs from their piano teacher. Their teacher said go home and try to make up a song if you can. So they went home and tried to make up a song on the piano. They both said how are we supposed to make up a song if we don't even really know how to play the piano. Well then lets just try. So tried and something amazing happened. Their fingers were actually playing the piano and it was a beautiful sound. HOW DID WE DO THAT! Asked Jacy loudly. I have no idea. Said Elly. So that day they were so amazed that the actually played a beautiful sound on the piano. Their mother Louisa came in the room because of that wonderful sound. Who is playing that wonderful sound? Louisa asked. We are! Isn’t it it amazing! The two sisters said. WOW! Said their mother. And the next day at their piano lessons they showed their piano teacher the song they made. Their teacher was amazed. Our song is called THE DARK VALLEY. Said Ellie. That day after piano lessons they entered a talent show. In the talent show they played their song called THE DARK VALLEY. They would be next after the man doing magic tricks. Then the man was done so Elly and Jacy got on stage and was really nervous. They told the audience that they were playing a song called THE DARK VALLEY. They started and the audience was so interested in the song. When they were done the man announced the first place winner of the talent show. He said and the winner of this talent show is. . . . . . . Elly and Jacy were crossing their fingers hoping for them to win. Elly and Jacy! Then the audience clapped for applause and the two sisters were so happy. After that day Jacy and Elly became famous piano players and enjoyed their wonderful life.
Written By Lexie Skabelund
Written By Lexie Skabelund
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